• 2002-2024

    Alumina Ceramic Factory/Product

    In the realm of advanced materials, the preparation of alumina ceramic billets marks a significant leap forward in industrial innovation. Alumina ceramic, renowned for its exceptional hardness, thermal resistance, and electrical insulation properties, has long been a cornerstone of modern engineering.

  • 0402-2024

    Chinese new year

    Chinese New Year holiday notice: Holiday period: February 9th to February 17th Working hours: February 18th

  • 0712-2023

    The new factory has started production

    Sintering is one of the production processes for alumina ceramics. So, what changes will occur in alumina ceramics during the sintering process?

  • 1911-2023

    Monaco National Day

    Monaco National Day is not only a celebration of prosperity and tradition, but also a celebration of the unity of the people of Monaco the symbol of. On this day, people forget all their differences and controversies and unite to celebrate their country together home. This country is famous for its unique charm and prosperity, and Monaco's National Day is a showcase the best moment for all of this.

  • 1311-2023

    Alumina ceramic crucible (refractory and corrosion-resistant)

    In today's competitive world of scientific research and industrial manufacturing, finding the perfect crucible to withstand extreme temperatures and corrosive substances can be challenging. However, with our latest innovation, the alumina ceramic crucible, your search ends here. Designed with meticulous attention to detail and crafted using high-quality materials, these crucibles offer unmatched durability, refractory capabilities, and chemical resistance.

  • 3010-2023

    Alumina ceramic tube (resistant to 1500 ° C high temperature)

    Satisfying customer preferences: Understanding customers' unique tastes and requirements, we have designed alumina ceramic tubes to seamlessly integrate into their various applications. From cutting-edge manufacturing facilities to research laboratories, and everything in between, these pipelines provide ideal solutions for a wide range of industries such as aerospace, automotive, and energy.

  • 1810-2023

    High temperature resistance of alumina ceramic tube

    Welcome to our website, we strive to bring you the latest and most significant innovations in the field of ceramic technology. Today, we are pleased to introduce our latest product, "High temperature resistance of alumina ceramic tubes". This extraordinary ceramic tube is designed for the most demanding industrial applications, with a range of impeccable features and advantages that even the most demanding customers will exceed their expectations. Let's delve deeper into its unique characteristics and understand why it stands out in competition

  • 0910-2023

    New progress has been made in the construction of the new factory

    In recent years, due to the increasing number of customers, the old factory area has been unable to meet the supply needs. we company began expanding its new factory area in 2020. There has been new progress in the construction of the new factory now.

  • 2909-2023

    I love my country

    10.1-10.7 is our National Day Week. We are on vacation.

  • 2509-2023

    Completion of road laying in the new factory area

    Congratulations to the new factory area of Jinzhou Yunxing Industrial Ceramics Company, where the road laying has been completed. We will soon be able to enter the office and put into production.

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